Bouquet of Prairie

Bouquet of Prairie


A double-tiered, subtle statement ring consists of a soft wildflower band and a diamond square solitaire band. Together, they dream of the exuberant mythical floral party of the goddess.

  • Soft wild flower band features five 1.0mm diamonds

  • 2.5mm x 2.5mm Diamond square cut solitaire band, escorted by six 1.5mm diamonds

  • Double bands joined by a bridge in the back containing a 2mm x 2mm square cut diamond (Approx. 0.205 ctw)

  • Lucious matte finish that will turn dewy supple with extended wear and time

  • Total ring weight of approx. 7.4 g

  • 14 karat yellow gold safely sourced and recycled

  • All individually handcrafted to your order in USA

  • Photographed and weighed in US ring size 6

Each piece is made to order by the hands of our artisans with a 4 week lead time. We aim to dispatch the items as soon as they are ready.

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Venus’ Millefleur floral feast in the mythical garden at the break of lush Spring. Italian Renaissance master Sandro Botticelli’s elaborate and romantic painting Primavera is one of my permanent dearests. It never fails to cast the unknown romantic aura in my atmosphere, ever since the first time my sight landed on it. The painting contains myths of beauty, magical transformation, love and fear, celebration, and more. Its pastoral scenery contains 500 identified plant species depicted, with about 190 different flowers, of which 130 can be specifically identified - overall drenched with ethereal hedonistic vibes studded in every flower.



The origin of our jewelry’s ingredients is older than mountains. Natural stones are known for their inimitably unique colors and luminous characteristics, even the inclusions. Every stone has its own story to tell. We try to capture and depict the spirit of each piece as true as possible to our naked eyes. However, conception/ translation of the colors are subjective, and colors can vary from monitor to monitor. Each piece is made strictly and individually on order in the US. From wax to box, every process of our jewelry production is hand-crafted with pride and love. We use the classic ancient lost-wax casting method. 18 karat gold and bespoke stone combinations available upon request. Orders will be dispatched as soon as they are ready within 2-4weeks of lead time.




Every purchase comes in our specially designed and uniquely handcrafted signature box to fit and secure Sunjin Lee jewelry pieces. It’s a forever sanctuary for victoriously feel-good jewelry and a gentle yet audacious celebration for you. Click here for more information.


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All Abloom (Diamond)

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Sea of Nectar Signet

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The Prince's Tale

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Palme d'Or

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